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What do you think the coolest PW setting would be?

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 9:45 pm
by Orleron
Feel free to elaborate why.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 11:35 pm
by Gairus
Spelljammer looks more interesting than planescape to me... just so long as I avoid any planescape: torment bias out of my brain ;)

Extra dimention stuff is actually a concept that I hate normally, as infinate possibilities simultaneously is too hard to susped disbelief for. Infinate distance though...

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 5:52 pm
by RedLoved
I voted for Modern, just because it would be interesting to visit a modern plane, with some of the characters that I have, I mean, hey they'd be completely confused with everything.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 7:28 pm
by Orleron
A modern world would be really really cool, which is why I threw the idea out there. Though it would require a huge increase in the size of our hakpak, as well as some engineering and tweaking to ensure balance. Lots of unique issues would pop up if we linked to a modern world in our multiverse.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 7:55 pm
by RedLoved
Orleron wrote:A modern world would be really really cool, which is why I threw the idea out there. Though it would require a huge increase in the size of our hakpak, as well as some engineering and tweaking to ensure balance. Lots of unique issues would pop up if we linked to a modern world in our multiverse.
Yeah, that would be awesome. But, it would be really hard to implement as well. D20 does an awesome job with all their haks, and using those, it would be relatively easy to make a module.

I would make a modern PW, but if I finished it, I'd have a hard time finding a host.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 10:10 pm
by Aiquandol
A modern world combination would work if you could find a way to keep the technology separated. We don't want people busting caps in tolly's ass. Perhaps have modern weapons just abuse characters spells, skills, etc. Example: when one is holding a modern weapon such as a gun you're instantly stripped of everything making up the magical past. All buffs stripped, magic abilities disabled, arcane spell failure %100. Those characters created in the future world would be built around the modern climate and would have feats and abilities to match. However, their dis-advantage would be the ever-present lack of magic. The linking of the worlds would require those of the modern time to develop new weapons for fighting the magic of the past (fighting will take place, it won't stay peaceful forever). Thusly, the characters in the past would need to find inventive ways of dealing with these new weapons. Fighters won't stand much chance against a bullet to the head, just as the S.W.A.T team won't survive implosion.

IMHO, a modern based world would add new dynamics to CoPaP with hundreds of roleplay possibilties. New planes and such are fun but pretty much the same, but being able to run from Hangate to New York City would give CoPaP a wonderful touch and unique flare.


Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 11:07 am
by Orleron
There might be an easier IC explanation for it, actually. One person suggested that time travel be kinda like the movie Total Recall.... you go naked. All your items and such stay on your body, and your "essence" or whatever you want to call it goes across the time.

That would effectively block anything from going back and forth. Though I do think it would make for an interesting quest if, say, ONE gun made it from the modern world into gnomish hands on Avlis. We could have an entire plotline around one stupid gun. Would be interesting for a while.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 11:30 am
by Nightbringer
I of course like Spelljammer the best (but I didn't vote for my own setting ;) I like Planescape second: so much possibility, so much interesting stuff to do.

I personally think having a Copap modern world would be REALLY lame. I think a modern setting could be really cool, particularly one that included magic in a cyberpunk sort of way, but I don't think linking it up to "normal" medieval style DnD settings is a good idea. As a one time event or key plot hook (like a flash forward instead of flash back) maybe it would be interesting. The idea of going back and forth between the two gives me the willies though... I think it would ruin the atmosphere of a medieval era game.

I'm also not a fan of even steampunk seeping into medieval DnD, and I'd really not like to see some sort of pistol or other item come back....

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:02 pm
by Malathyre
I voted for the "Homemade Campaign" option. While these generally require an incredible amount of work to develop, everyone at least gets to start from the same point in terms of world knowledge. I've played in games where everyone knew the world really well except for me, and the DM limited the amount of background material...very, very frustrating.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 10:08 am
by Orleron
The great thing about homemade campaigns is that they offer the most freedom. Don't want elves in your world? ok. Orcs are lawful good in your world and dragons all speak with a lisp? Ok.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 5:23 pm
by Malathyre
Yeah, the fact that you can do anything that you want with your homemade campaign is really appealing. The freedome is the best part. I've always liked homemade adventures in PnP better than published ones, too. Most DM's will be a lot more flexible, creative, and less linear in their adventure design than what I've seen in most books.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 5:40 pm
by RedLoved
I'd like to see a homemade modern module.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 5:52 am
by Titanium Dragon
Modern module(s) would be, as stated before, a pain in the arse to put in, and unless you did some pretty wierd things with items eventually you'd end up with quite a mess. It would be cool, but I think, personally, it could cause some serious issues. An M60 would waste most anything corporal, including pretty much any PC, and would be an incredibly good weapon. Modern firearms would just own.

I like homemade campaigns; they're much more free-form. I like anything that doesn't constrict the mind too much. Official campaign worlds can be messy because it is possible players will know more about the world than the creator does, and will be tempted to correct them. However, the advantage is they are easier to build and make as you already have a general idea of what is there. Its a mixed bag.

What might be interesting would be a Council of Wyrms campaign setting, though most likely you'd have to make all the PCs humanoids (and thus, simple vassals under the dragons) unless you really enjoy having major balance issues. Of course, wyrmlings aren't that powerful...

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 6:02 am
by The Sveg
Forgotten Realms maniac all the way!

I have been DMing that settings for years and I have always wanted to 'see' it online.

My vote goes to Official Campaign and more specifically to the Realms.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 6:39 am
by JollyOrc
in PnP games, I almost always use homemade worlds. I liberally steal ideas and themes from official campaigns, but make clear that my worlds aren't Kulthea / Forgotten Realms / Dere / whatever..

Homemade worlds have the advantage of giving the DM freedom. I normally develop my worlds top-down.

Thus, I know the general outlines, and make up individual parts as I go along... which gets immensely complicated when doing a multiplayer-world with lots of DM's :-)

Still, a well thought out homemade one is what I like best. No players citing sourcebooks to me.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 4:37 pm
by Fuzz
You'd really need access to source code to fully realize the modern setting... one can hope Bioware goes open source on NWN within the next 2 or 3 years however, since HotU is most definately the last expansion for it.

I'm digging hte Terminator logic with the planar travel from modern to olden, however.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:57 pm
by Beary666
What about the lesbien pixie PW? :lol:

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 10:40 am
by MorphlingROR
Personally I would LOVE to see Sigil and Planescape setting in general. Probably because Planescape: Torment is my favourite single-player game of all time.

I also really like Forgotten Realms setting, so I would be happy to see such a world be linked to CoPaP.

Modern setting sounds great as well, though it sounds like a ton of work on design and balancing it out too.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:10 am
by pincushionman
Why does everyone assume modern setting == time travel? We have a whole range of "settings" here on earth from ultra-technology to damn near prehistoric we can visit with only a day or so travel and we don't have time machines.

If we assume the "modern" and "fantasy" settings are simply different locations at an equivalent point in time, then we don't have to worry about the whole "messing up history" part which is IMHO the most important roadblock. The balance in terms of weapon power and such are much easier to deal with by economy and infrastructure. Sure, guns might kick @$$, but you need bullets to use them, which cost money, and have weight, and in the fantasy settings you don't have the resources to make them, making them fairly useless unless you bring the bullets over with you. Radios have a limited range and need batteries, which, say, Avlis, doesn't have; Computers don't work without power (same problem); vehicles need fuel (same problem); bla bla you get the picture. Sure, these technologies and infrastructures could be imported, but the locals have magic things that serve the same purpose! Why would they want these new things that cost so much to use?

And maybe any technology/magic/whatever used to travel out of the modern setting causes unstable materials like gunpowder or fuel to blow up unless serious (read: expensive) countermeasures are taken like storage in lead (heavy and otherwise useless) containers or transporting in small amounts (not economically feasible, therefore expensive). I think if we really wanted to add a modern setting we could come up with plenty of IC reasons and mechanisms that would explain why the technologies aren't prevalent elsewhere.

That said, I'd rather not have a modern setting anyway, just personal preference. But I wouldn't stop anybody who wanted to try.