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Subrace System

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 6:41 pm
by marcush
I am trying to get the Red Golem stuff setup for our module. I have the avlis_sr.jar up and running with the module however the avlis base mod doesn't have a conversation or npc for handling the subraces. I was wondering is there a total package that i could grab for integration.

World Leader - World of Greyhawk

Re: Subrace System

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:38 pm
by teleri
marcush wrote:I am trying to get the Red Golem stuff setup for our module. I have the avlis_sr.jar up and running with the module however the avlis base mod doesn't have a conversation or npc for handling the subraces. I was wondering is there a total package that i could grab for integration.

World Leader - World of Greyhawk
The avlis_sr.jar is a replacement for the Red Golem l404_sr.jar it also requires a few modifications to the file as well as some changes elsewhere (I am not where I can look at it at the moment) to get the entire Red Golem system look here ... AUTOBIC

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:26 pm
by marcush
So I seem to have a piece of the system working

The Java App is connecting to the DB and loading files and when logging in the ELC is being checked and the characters are passing and such. However i just imported .erf for the Golem/conv for setting subraces and that doesn't seem to be working.

Any thoughts?


So checking with the database seems to be writing the record for pass/fail on ELC

so that is good

but the conversation on the golem still isn't working basically whatever character i login with does not allow subraces to work

World Leader - World of Greyhawk

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:34 pm
by teleri
marcush wrote:but the conversation on the golem still isn't working basically whatever character i login with does not allow subraces to work
I was having a similar error Kombinat helped me out I know nothing about java.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:49 pm
by marcush
Okay now i have the conversation working required modifing the OnLoad event to enable the subrace system (in the base mod it is only enabled on one of the avlis servers i guess)

so now i can select my race and it says everything is applied and boots you but when you log back in your characters bic file hasn't changed.

*output from nwserverlog1.txt

[Tue Aug 09 19:33:11] L404_SR: Booting marcush to modify saved character file (Drow).
[Tue Aug 09 19:33:11] L404_SR: Command to follow this line:
L404EXECUTE:autobic -subrace Drow -player marcush
[Tue Aug 09 19:33:11] marcush Left as a Player (0 players left)
[Tue Aug 09 19:33:12] 60 Timestamp
Connection Attempt made by marcush (QVRT3P9V)
[Tue Aug 09 19:33:32] marcush (QVRT3P9V) Joined as Player 1
[Tue Aug 09 19:33:35] Locationtracking: Player marcush has logged into right server.
[Tue Aug 09 19:33:35] Locationtracking: Player marcush has already logged in before.
[Tue Aug 09 19:33:35] HIDE VARIABLE ERROR: Delolas Gallent does not have a hide.

World Leader - World of Greyhawk

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:51 pm
by teleri
check and see if it saved your character to the localvault of your machine.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 11:06 pm
by marcush
Only the initial character creation char is in the localvault.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 11:23 pm
by terror2001
Probably you guys have already thought of this, but being a linux system, does NWN have rights set to write in the target folders?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:55 pm
by marcush
this is on a windows box

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:03 pm
by teleri
Well I am out of ideas at this point without seeing th system...

Anyone else?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:52 pm
by kombinat
marcush wrote:Okay now i have the conversation working required modifing the OnLoad event to enable the subrace system (in the base mod it is only enabled on one of the avlis servers i guess)

so now i can select my race and it says everything is applied and boots you but when you log back in your characters bic file hasn't changed.

*output from nwserverlog1.txt

[Tue Aug 09 19:33:11] L404_SR: Booting marcush to modify saved character file (Drow).
[Tue Aug 09 19:33:11] L404_SR: Command to follow this line:
L404EXECUTE:autobic -subrace Drow -player marcush
[Tue Aug 09 19:33:11] marcush Left as a Player (0 players left)
[Tue Aug 09 19:33:12] 60 Timestamp
Connection Attempt made by marcush (QVRT3P9V)
[Tue Aug 09 19:33:32] marcush (QVRT3P9V) Joined as Player 1
[Tue Aug 09 19:33:35] Locationtracking: Player marcush has logged into right server.
[Tue Aug 09 19:33:35] Locationtracking: Player marcush has already logged in before.
[Tue Aug 09 19:33:35] HIDE VARIABLE ERROR: Delolas Gallent does not have a hide.

World Leader - World of Greyhawk
This line:

L404EXECUTE:autobic -subrace Drow -player marcush

is read in as a command by the Java program. Any problems it encounters trying to execute that command will get written to the Java program's log file, not to nwserverLog1.txt, so you need to find that file and post up the messages from that.

If you look in your NWN folder and your logs.0 folder, you should find the logwatcher log somewhere.

Are you running the Java program in Windowed or command-line mode?


Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:18 am
by marcush
So got it.

the issue was trying to use the avlis_sr.jar with the DBwatcher and the base red golem Golem/Conv which writes stuff to the log file expecting the java app to be reading it. So since the avlis zero mod doesn't include the conv or the Golem - I just rewrote the few scripts I needed to use the DB instead.

Seems to work great now

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:50 am
by teleri
marcush wrote:So got it.

the issue was trying to use the avlis_sr.jar with the DBwatcher and the base red golem Golem/Conv which writes stuff to the log file expecting the java app to be reading it. So since the avlis zero mod doesn't include the conv or the Golem - I just rewrote the few scripts I needed to use the DB instead.

Seems to work great now
Humm could you make those scripts avalible?

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 9:59 pm
by marcush
So what i did to get this all working

if you want the files

Grab the
extract the l404_sr.erf out of the zip

Install Java VM
Get the following java packages

these 2 are from sun

this is from mysql

make a directory

open up a hak editor of your choice and open the copap hak
extract all the 2da's and place them in the New2das directory

Grab the avlis_sr.jar startDBWatcher.cmd from the ftp site

Place them wherever (i just dropped them in the nwn directory)
Edit (here is mine - change the db username and pass to be yours)

# Properties file for Abyss404 Log Watcher and extensions

# INSTRUCTIONS: Go through this file and customize the settings for your server.
# At bare minimum, make sure the vault_path is set to your server's server vault.
# Comments can be added by preceeding a line with a '#' character.
# Path separators can use either the native path separator for your operating
# system or the java path separator which is a '/' character.

# This is the path to the nwn server's servervault.
# Make sure there is no slash at the end of the path







autoscribe.mailsubject=World of Greyhawk Autoscribe Conversation Transcript
autoscribe.mailtop=This is a conversation transcript saved from within the World of Greyhawk.\n-----\n

Edit startDBWatcher.cmd (whereever you installed the .jar files to edit the path to include them

echo "Manual restart..." >> watcher.log
date /t >> watcher.log
time /t >> watcher.log
echo "DBWatcher restart.">> watcher.log

java.exe -classpath l404_sr.jar;avlis_sr.jar;"c:\program files\java\mail.jar";"c:\program files\java\activation.jar";"c:\program files\java\mysql-connector-java-3.1.10-bin.jar" l404.watcher.DBCheckerThread
goto start

rem pause

Okay done with all the external stuff now for the internal scripts

Import l404_sr.erf

This will add the golem / conversation / subrace creation area / scripts that start with l404* for handling the conversation

so to switch this to support the db

Open up l404_sr_include
edit the bootLogSubrace

void bootLogSubrace(object oPlayer, object oSubraceDef){
string sPlayer = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetPCPlayerName(oPlayer));
string sCharname = ConvertToFilename(SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetName(oPlayer)));
string sSpaceFormattedPlayerName = replaceSubString(sPlayer, " ", "*", TRUE);
string sRaceCode = replaceSubString(getSubraceDefField(oSubraceDef, FIELD_NAME), " ", "%20", TRUE);

SQLExecDirect("INSERT into " + ELC_TABLE_NAME + " (player,charname,message,done) values (" +
"'" + sSpaceFormattedPlayerName + "'," +
"'" + sCharname + "'," +
"'L404EXECUTE:autobic -subrace " + sRaceCode + " -player " + sSpaceFormattedPlayerName +"',0)");
DelayCommand(FETCH_RESULT_DELAY, processResult(oPlayer));
WriteTimestampedLogEntry("Booting " + sPlayer + " to modify saved character file (" + sRaceCode + ")");
// Do not export characters just now as this interferes with the checker
SetLocalInt(oPlayer, "ExportReady", 1);
DelayCommand(BLOCK_PLAYER_SAVE, DeleteLocalInt(oPlayer, "ExportReady"));

This makes when you go through the conv it will send an entry to the DB instead of writing it to the logfile

Add the following scripts

Module OnLoad
ExecuteScript("l404_sr_init", OBJECT_SELF);

Module OnActivate
ExecuteScript("l404_sr_activate", OBJECT_SELF);

Module OnUnAquire
ExecuteScript("l404_sr_unacquir", OBJECT_SELF);

Module OnClientEnter (should already be there if you use avlis zeromod)
ExecuteScript("avlis_sr_verify", OBJECT_SELF);

I believe this is it


of course as soon as i put this on our linux server it doesn't quite work since for whatever braintrust of a reason nwn behaves differently for windows / linux on file names - so it wants all CAPS for some .2da files also it lets you have greater than 16 char filenames.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 10:44 pm
by teleri
did you get a resolution to this and have it work?

I ask as I am getting compile errors on

Code: Select all

string sCharname = ConvertToFilename(SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetName(pc)));

8/16/2005 9:44:51 PM: Error. 'l404_sr_include' did not compile.
l404_sr_include.nss(1010): ERROR: PARSING VARIABLE LIST


Code: Select all

DelayCommand(FETCH_RESULT_DELAY, processResult(pc));

8/16/2005 9:42:24 PM: Error. 'l404_sr_include' did not compile.
l404_sr_include.nss(1015): ERROR: UNDEFINED IDENTIFIER (processResult)
is the processResult a function you wrote?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:56 am
by marcush
Actually this is an avlis_sr_inc function from the zero mod
I actually combined the l404_sr_inc and avlis_sr_inc together since they are for the same thing