Legend of Valinor is looking for area builders to help us rebuild our world into one continuous map. The goal of this project is to take areas that already exist and modify them to fit into our master grid and conform to our world standards. We need people that enjoy working in the toolset building areas. No scripting is involved. A successful applicant will need NwN + SoU as well as Microsoft Excel or Open office 1.1 and be able to FTP upload and download. We also use Ventrilo for voice chat among the staff, so a working headset with mic will be very helpful. A copy of the ventrilo client is provided by us.
Please contact us at www.legendofvalinor.com or email to Surik@www.legendofvalinor.com for consideration.
Legend of Valinor is looking for area builders
Legend of Valinor is looking for area builders
Come by and see us at: